[Warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

GET /exhibitions/genevieve-pratte-botanicum-en-ca/

Line 39 in /home/galeriu/www/mysite/code/ExpoPage.php


30 	}
32 	public function ExhibitingArtists() {
33 		return $this->owner->getManyManyComponents('ExhibitingArtists')->sort('Title');
34 	}
36   public function WorksListAsColumns() {
37     $columns = array(array(), array(), array());
38     $i = 0;
39     foreach ($this->WorksList() as $work) {
40       $column_index = $i % 3;
41       $columns[$column_index][] = $work;
42       $i++;
43     }
45     $output = new ArrayList();


Geneviève Pratte - Botanicum - Michel Bigué Art Gallery

Geneviève Pratte - Botanicum

Carton expoPratte ANG copie

Please join us on the occasion of Geneviève Pratte's exhibition ''Botanicum''. Come admire her latest body of work and meet the artist on the day of the opening, Saturday July 8th starting at 1pm. The exhibition will be on until July 23rd.

B O T A N I C U M is an invitation to discover an extraordinary garden. A reappropriation of our surprising nature, eclectic, varied and vital. This series of paintings reveals interior landscapes, painted like a spontaneous, intuitive and natural choreography, full of colorful movements. It is with this spirit of adventure that the artist enjoys reinventing the landscape, a reflection of states of mind, travels and everyday experiences.

IMG 9376

Originally from Gatineau, Geneviève Pratte earned her BFA from l’Université du Québec en Outaouais. Following upon her MFA from the University of Ottawa in 2010, where she studied with Mélanie Authier and Martin Golland, she developed a practice inspired by landscape and the environment. Since then Pratte has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in the province. At the heart of Pratte’s enquiry is the land and human impact on the eco-system. Pratte’s work is at once intuitive and spontaneous, bursting with intense, vibrant colour.